The Skateful Dead
“TSD. TSD. Together, Strong, Deadly!”

The Skateful Dead is KRD’s full contact, recreational team. A lot of our teammates join us straight out of our 101 class. Even though our bouts aren’t ranked, we tear it up on the track and have a good time doing it! We’re always welcoming new members, and our members range from over 10 years experience, to people just learning the game.

# 52 Ashteroid

# 925 Dolly Spartan

# 19 Tiny Terror

# 8 Bruise Willis

# 22 Professor McGonnakill

# 007 Flames Bond

# 0 eff ewe

# 801 Pepe

# 08 Zoe

# 6665 Bad Princess

# 37 HERicane

# 58 AuntieDote

# 6 Bambi

# 62 Lady MacDeath

# 401 Bad Wolf

# 709 D-Maulish

# 27 Red Lip Renegade

# 10 Rach Against The Machine

# 58 Bok

# 20 Rocket Rids

# 005 Cute Brute

# 13 Mona Isa

# 15 Punky Bruise’her

# 169 Sudden Beth

# 17 Lydmonster

# 2273 Don’t Care

# 201 Slam Beesly

# 221 Stevie Kicks


# 31 Killer Queen Bee

# 33 Steel Cut thrOats

# 333 Athena’s Furry

# 44 Nicolas Rage

# 5 Empocalypse

# 5150 Loretta Synn