KRD Juniors
“Respect the Juniors. Respect the future.” – Hit Squad

We are proud to introduce, for our very own KRD Juniors team! Open to the ages of 8-17, and open to all genders across the Kingston area. Juniors has multiple levels depending on skill to ensure that there is appropriate allowances for contact.
Level 1 – These skaters are becoming masters of their skates, learning basic game play and team work, and beginning to scrimmage and bout positionally. This level allows positional blocking only. Intentional contact with an opponent is not allowed.
Level 2 – These skaters are playing using pushing contact only in scrimmages and games. They are also learning advanced teamwork, rules and regulations, and strategic play, This level allows Lean Blocking only – Forceful Initial Contact is not allowed. After initial contact is made gently, blockers can apply force to legal target zones with legal blocking zones.
Level 3 – Skaters who pass the Skill Level 3 Assessment demonstrate adult-level competency on skates and with the rules. Level 3 skaters practice, scrimmage and play using full-contact rules. Level 3 skaters play JRDA sanctioned games for inter-league rankings, including in JRDA tournaments and championships. In addition, Level 3 skaters are expected to help teach lower-level skaters, and to be ambassadors for their league, JRDA, and for flat-track roller derby.